New Britain Democratic Town Committee Bylaws
Article I
All meetings of the Town Committee shall be public and open to members of the Democratic Party. The Town Committee shall encourage and campaign for candidates for office who embody Democratic principles without consideration of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation or national origin.
The time and place for all public meetings of the Town committee shall be publicized fully and in such a manner as to assure timely notice to all interested persons.
Such meetings must be held in places accessible to all party members. All Democratic elected officials (State Senator, State Representative, State Central, Municipal) will be included in notification of meetings.
Election Duties: Each member of the Town Committee during their term will be encouraged to work at least 10 hours per election cycle.
Section 1
The Principles, Policies and Procedures of the Democratic Party in New Britain, shall be formed, directed and executed by the Democratic Town Committee.
Section 2
The Town Committee shall consist of Ward representatives. There will be one representative per three hundred (300) registered Democrats in each Ward, elected as slates by Ward via direct primary.
Section 3
The Nominating Committee will recommend Associate Members of the DTC. Associate Members will be elected by the DTC, may serve on committees, and will have the right to speak, but not to vote, in DTC meetings. At any meeting of the Town Committee, only duly elected members of the Town Committee shall be allowed to participate in discussions of Town Committee business. After all Town Committee business has been completed, and before adjournment, Associate Members, and members of the audience other than Town Committee members may be recognized to speak to the body.
Section 4 - Increased Membership
(a) The Town Committee, at a meeting called for the purpose, may, by majority vote of those present and voting, increase its membership, provided that all new members shall be duly elected and begin their term after the first Monday following the next DTC primary date.
(b) The Town Committee shall fix the first Tuesday of March in even numbered years for holding of a primary for the election of Town Committee members. The date of such primary shall be publicized at least fifty-six (56) days before such primary is to be held.
Section 5
If any member of the Town Committee removes their residence from the Ward from which they were elected, they shall immediately cease to be a member of the Town Committee. Their position on said Town Committee shall be declared vacant.
Section 6
In the filling of any vacancy as a member of the Town Committee for whom only the electors of the Ward may vote, only the members of the Town Committee from said Ward may participate. The Chair of the Town Committee may cast a vote on the filling of such a vacancy to break a tie, but this provision shall not affect their right to cast any vote as a member of the Town Committee to which they are otherwise entitled. (b) Vacancies on the Town Committee may be filled at any meeting, provided it is included in the call for such meeting. (c) Timely and public notification will be given when vacancies occur in the membership of the Town Committee.
Section 7
All meetings shall be called at a designated meeting place, with a presiding officer and the Recording Secretary present.
Article II
Section 1 - Election and Call of Organizational Meeting
(a) Not more than one (1) week following the day fixed for the holding of a Primary for the election of Town Committee members, the Chair of the Town Committee in office immediately prior to the day of said Primary, shall call a meeting of the newly elected Town Committee for the purpose of electing such officers of the Town Committee as are prescribed in local party rules.
The following officers are to be elected: Chair, Vice Chair, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, three Trustees who will have auditing responsibility. All officers except Chair shall be elected by a majority vote of those Town Committee members present and voting. In the case of electing the Chair, this will require a majority vote of the entire membership of the town committee.
If such town Chair fails, for any reason, to call such meeting within the period prescribed, it shall be the duty of the Vice Chair serving concurrently with said town Chair to do so.
If for any reason, said meeting is not called in the manner prescribed, it shall be the duty of the State Central Committee members in the district to do so.
The notice of such meeting called by either the said Vice Chair or said members of the State Central Committee, shall be issued to each of the newly elected town committee members within 48 hours of the necessity of either to do so, notwithstanding any party rule concerning time of notification of meeting to Town Committee members.
(b) The standing committees of the Town Committee shall be the Fundraising, Rules, Publicity and Media, Community Engagement, and Nominating (for municipal offices) Committees. The Chair of the Town Committee shall, subject to the approval of a majority of the Town Committee, appoint five (5) members of the Town Committee to each of the standing committees. A Chair of each standing committee shall be appointed by the Chair of the Democratic Town Committee.
(c) Duly elected members of the Town Committee from each Ward shall elect a Ward Leader. The Ward Leader will be selected by a majority vote of members from each Ward represented on the Town Committee at a meeting called for the purpose. The Ward Leader will serve as a liaison to the Officers of the Town Committee and will promote attendance at meetings and maximum participation in election and party activities by the members from their Ward.
Section 2
The Chair of the Town Committee shall be a registered Democrat residing in New Britain who may be elected from within or without the membership of the Town Committee.
Section 3
The officers of the Town Committee other than the Chair shall be elected from within the membership of the Town Committee.
Section 4
Officers so elected shall hold office for the term of the Town Committee electing them.
Section 5
(a) Each of such officers shall have the duties usually incident to their office and such other duties as the Town Committee may from time to time prescribe.
Specific duties of officers:
Chair: The Chair shall preside at all membership meetings, executive committee meetings and special meetings. They shall direct implementation of the Town Committee's policies, procedures and activities; shall set agendas for all membership meetings; shall approve budgeted expenditures, ensure conformance to the rules and shall be the official spokesperson of the organization.
Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall assist the Chair in the performance of all duties and, in the absence of the Chair shall assume all duties of the Chair.
Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for all official correspondence, including meeting notices and written communication as directed by the Chair and the membership.
Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for the taking, filing and distribution of the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee and the general membership. Minutes of the general membership meetings shall be available on request.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall deposit income and contributions, be responsible for the maintenance of adequate, current and permanent financial records; pay all bills of the organization; provide fiscal advice to the membership and the Fundraising Committee and carry out fiscal policy as prescribed by the membership. The Treasurer shall report balance, income, and expenditures of DTC funds, monthly.
Deputy Treasurer: The Deputy Treasurer shall collect and receive contributions, assist the Treasurer in the performance of prescribed duties and participate in fundraising activities of the committee.
(b) The Chair of the Town Committee may approve expenditures of up to $250. Other expenditures must be approved by the Town Committee, except in emergency situations, in which case expenditures can be authorized my a majority of the Officers of the Town Committee.
(c) An itemized account of all expenditures and income from Town Committee functions must be turned over to the Fundraising and Executive Committees and all monies to the Treasurer or, in their absence, the Deputy Treasurer.
(d) An audit of the Town Committee funds is to be taken by the Trustees annually. In the event of findings of the Trustees of a breach of fiduciary responsibility by the Treasurer and/or Deputy Treasurer, or the Chair, the Executive Board may vote to dismiss said officers from office.
(e) The Executive Committee will review and approve ordinary and necessary expenses in accordance with state campaign finance laws.
(f) Each member of the Town Committee, during their term, will be encouraged to contribute to the finances of the committee on a voluntary basis a minimum amount of $25.00 annually. Such contribution shall be made during the month of April each year. The Treasurer shall send notice to each member reminding him or her of such expectation.
Section 6
Within one week after organization of the Town Committee the Corresponding Secretary shall file a list of the names and addresses of the officers and members of the Town Committee with the Secretary of the Democratic State Central Committee and with the Democratic Registrar of Voters.
Section 7
If there shall be a vacancy in any office of the Town Committee except Chair arising from any cause, the Town Committee may fill the same by a majority vote of the Town Committee members present and voting at a meeting called for the purpose. In-the case of filling a vacancy for Chair, a meeting will be called for the purpose of entertaining nominations for the office of Chair, within two weeks after the Recording Secretary has received notice of the vacancy. Only nominations received at this meeting shall be considered in filling a vacancy in the office of Chair. Two weeks after this first meeting, the Town Committee shall meet to elect a new Chair to fill the vacancy. Filling the vacancy for the office of Chair will require a majority vote of the entire membership of the Town Committee.
Section 8
Should any officer fail in the execution of their duties and/or responsibilities, or become incapacitated and unable to execute their duties and/or responsibilities, then by a two-thirds vote of the full Executive Board a motion will be made before the DTC for removal of said officer from office. Such motion shall require a two-thirds vote of those present at a special meeting called for such purpose.
Article III
Section 1
The Town Committee shall meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month, excepting August, or unless changed by a previous meeting of the DTC. Under urgent or extenuating circumstances the Chair may change a meeting date with the approval of the Executive Board.
Section 2
Special meetings of the Town Committee may be called by the Chair who in the call shall state the purpose of such meeting. A quorum of the Town Committee may request the Chair, in writing, to call a special meeting and upon receipt of such request the Chair shall call such meeting and instruct the Corresponding Secretary to give at least 48 hours notice of the time, place, and purpose of such meeting to all members of the Committee.
Section 3
Two-fifths of the membership of the Town Committee shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.
Section 4
The order of business for each meeting of the Town Committee shall be as follows:
Call to Order (includes roll call and establishment of quorum)
Reading of Minutes of previous meeting and their approval
Treasurer's Report (from Treasurer's ledger) and reports of Standing Committees
Reports of committees, elected officials, and Chair
Unfinished and Old Business
New Business
Announcements and Good and Welfare
Article IV
Section 1
The following shall be selected and endorsed by Town Committee members present and voting at a meeting called for this purpose. Candidates for municipal offices and candidates for legislative offices which do not require conventions shall be selected individually. Delegates to conventions shall be selected as slates. For offices which include only a portion of the City, only those members of the Town Committee who represent such portion of the City shall vote.
Section 2
The party endorsement of candidates for delegates to any convention shall be by full slate composed of a number of persons equal to the number of delegates to which the Town is entitled under the State Rules of the Democratic Party, and such slate shall be endorsed as a unit.
Section 3
In the event a challenge primary is held, the candidates and delegates selected in Section 1 (a) shall appear on Row A as the party endorsed slate. Any other candidates shall be on Row B providing they file as provided by state law.
Section 4
If, for any reason, the Town Committee fails to make sufficient endorsements of candidates or delegates, this may be corrected pursuant to state law.
Section 5
The Chair or presiding officer and the Corresponding Secretary of the Town Committee shall certify to the Town Clerk the names and addresses of the party endorsed candidates selected as provided in Sections 1 and 2 of this article, the title of the office or posting as delegate for which each such person is endorsed, and the date upon which the primary is to be held. In the case of the endorsement of a person for an office or position for whom only the electors of a political subdivision of the town may vote the Chair or the presiding officer and Secretary of the Town Committee shall certify to the Town Clerk the name or number of such political subdivision. The Chair or presiding officer and the Corresponding Secretary of the Town Committee shall also file a duplicate of the above mentioned certification with the Democratic Registrar of Voters.
Section 6
Each endorsement of a candidate to run in a primary for the nomination of candidates for municipal office or delegates to conventions shall be made and certified to the Town Clerk not later than the forty-sixth day preceding the day of the primary.
Section 7
In the event that a vote taken for the purpose of endorsement of a party-endorsed candidate or slate of delegates results in a tie, such tie shall be broken by the Chair of the Town Committee. This provision, however, shall not affect the right of such Chair to cast any vote as a member of the Town Committee to which they are otherwise entitled.
Article V
Section 1
The nomination of candidates by the Democratic Party to all offices, the election of members of the Town Committee, and Delegates to conventions, shall be made pursuant to Connecticut Election Laws. The nominee of the Democratic Party for any such office shall be determined by plurality of votes cast.
Section 2
If any candidate for public office within the City of New Britain, or for membership on the Democratic Town Committee, dies, withdraws or otherwise becomes ineligible, then, within the time allowed by state election law, the Democratic Town Committee shall select another person for replacement. If only a portion of the members of the Democratic Town Committee were eligible to make the selection for such office or position, then only such members shall vote for a replacement.
The selection will be made by a majority vote of the Town Committee members present and voting, at a meeting called for that purpose. If the original endorsement was made by the members of the Town Committee elected from only one sub-division of the Town, only members of the sub-division shall participate in the endorsement to fill such vacancy. The Chair of the Town Committee may cast a vote on such nomination to break a tie, but this provision shall not affect their right to cast a vote as a member of the Town Committee to which they are otherwise entitled. The Chair of the Town Committee shall certify the nomination to fill such vacancy to the Secretary of the State; and shall file a copy with the Municipal Clerk. Such certification of a nomination to fill a vacancy due to death or disqualification shall include a statement setting forth the reason for such vacancy.
Section 3
Each elected delegate to a Convention, may in writing designate an alternate delegate or proxy to act in their absence, who shall be a duly registered member of the New Britain Democratic Party. In the absence of such alternate delegate, the Town Chair shall fill any vacancy arising for any cause in delegates to conventions.
Article VI
Section 1
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be considered as conclusive on Parliamentary issues.
Article VII
Section 1
These rules shall take effect immediately upon adoption and filing pursuant to state law.
Section 2
These rules may be amended by the Town Committee by a two-thirds vote of its entire membership, provided notice of the proposed amendment and its purport be given in the call for the meeting at which such action is taken.
Section 3
Whenever a petition signed by at least five percent (5%) or five hundred (500) whichever is less, of the electors whose names appear upon the last-completed enrollment list of the New Britain Democratic Party which is filed with the Democratic Registrar of Voters, requesting an amendment or amendments to the local party rules, the Chair of the Town Committee upon the filing of such a petition shall call a special meeting of the Town Committee for the purpose of fixing a date for a caucus. Said caucus shall be held within sixty (60) days from the filing of the petition. Any enrolled member of the Democratic Party may participate in this caucus.
Article VIII
Section 1
If any provision of these rules is found to be in conflict with the provisions of any state law, the provisions of such state law shall govern.
Section 2
If any nominating requirements or procedures are not covered by the party rules, then state law shall apply.
Certificate of Adoption
The foregoing rules governing the Democratic Party of New Britain, Connecticut, were adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Democratic Town Committee, present and voting, at a meeting duly called for such purpose and held on November 15th, 1963 at the Hotel Burritt, in New Britain, CT. Amendments and revisions adopted at meetings held March 19, 1968 at Henrico’s Restaurant, 41 Myrtle Street; June 10, 1969 at the Hotel Burritt, 67 West Main Street, New Britain, CT; March 19, 1970 at Angelico’s Restaurant, 542 East Main Street; January 3, 1972 at the Marchegian Club, 40 Acorn Street, New Britain, CT; November 19, 1973 at the American Legion Hall, 456 East Street, New Britain, CT; January 29, 1974 at the American Legion Hall, 456 East Street, New Britain, CT; December 18, 1984 at the Marchegian Club, 40 Acorn Street, New Britain, CT; July 20, 1995 at the Marchegian Club, 40 Acorn Street, New Britain, CT; February 16, 2017 at City Hall, Room 504, 27 West Main Street, New Britain, CT; July 2023 at City Hall, Room 504, 27 West Main Street, New Britain, CT.