Building a better New Britain. Together.

What does the New Britain Democratic Town Committee do?


Elect Democrats.

The number one priority of the New Britain Democratic Town Committee is to elect Democrats at the local, state, and national level. Everything we do is in pursuit of that goal—and we will win with your help,.

Endorse Candidates.

New Britain is a diverse city with families from every ethnic and socioeconomic background. It’s our job to recruit and endorse candidates that represent every aspect of our community and will fight for the issues that matter most.


Getting out the vote for Democrats is among the most important work we do, by knocking on doors, making phone calls, talking to our neighbors, and more. But with over 70,000 residents in New Britain, we can’t do it alone. We need your help.

Raise Money.

It’s no secret that elections cost money. We raise money from New Britain residents and people who care about our city to keep dark money and special interests out of New Britain politics.

Keep Voters Informed.

General elections happen only once a year but the political process is continuous. Our goal is to make sure voters know what’s happening year round so they can get involved however and whenever they can.

Build Community.

New Britain Democrats care deeply about the city we call home. We welcome everyone—whether they are white, black, or brown; rich or poor; young or old; gay or straight—and hope you’ll join us to build a New Britain that works for everyone.