New Britain Democrats invite you to build a better New Britain with us.

Democrats are dedicated to improving the lives of every resident of New Britain.


It doesn’t matter where you’re from or what neighborhood you live in. We believe in equity in all forms and are working hard to create a brighter future for the city we love.

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We are proud of our elected Democrats.

Your Democratic representatives at the state and local level work hard every day to make New Britain a better place for everyone. They fight for state funding and the fair distribution of City resources, and projects that improve our quality of life..


We can’t do it alone. Will you join us?

Democracy works best when people care enough to join together to fight for a better world. New Britain Democrats are committed to doing that right here in New Britain. You can help—no matter your background, skillset, or time commitment.


“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

— President Barack Obama

We are stronger together. Let’s stay in touch so we can build the best New Britain possible.


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